Establishment Solution e-DB


Silent Features

  1. User creation & setting up privileges
  2. Setting up various criteria for inner calculations and fixations
  3. Setting up signature database for service verification and order issue authority
  1. Starting from joining incorporating every minute detail of personal and service life.
  2. Computation of past service (if any)
  3. Parental details
  4. Next dependable person
  5. Non Qualifying Service
  6. Educational details
  1. Scan and save Image of Employee or save image directly from Digital Camera
  2. Specimen Signature of Employee to be scanned and saved
  3. Signature of verification authority
  1. Determine whether service confirmation is needed or not
  2. Automatic confirmation of service after predefined service period for employees for whom service confirmation is not needed
  3. Departmental examination for employees whose service are to be confirmed
  1. 50 point roster
  2. Zone of consideration
  3. Preparation of Gradation List
  1. Issue of Transfer Order
  2. Period within which joining is to be confirmed
  3. Joining confirmation
  4. Confirmation of Joining at transferred location
  5. Update Service Book


  1. System generated alert until further action
  2. Further issue of orders
  3. Disciplinary action
  4. Recording in the Service Book
  1. Generation of list of employees who will be retiring within upcoming 6 months (twice yearly)
  2. Automatic preparation of Single Comprehensive Form
  1. Track by name
  2. Track by post
  3. Track by office
  4. Track by joining date
  5. Track by file no, employee no, PF A/C No, etc.